Immune Support for Sports Nutrition.

Health and fitness are essential to both performance and maintaining a high-quality life. But athletes at all levels can experience a wide range of physical, environmental and psychological stressors. Supporting our immune health through diet and exercise helps keep the body active, leading to more training days and workouts.

Keeping athletes primed for performance.

Wellmune provides clinically demonstrated immune support for athletes.

40% reduction

In a clinical study published in the Journal of Dietary Supplements, researchers reported marathoners taking Wellmune for four weeks experienced a 40% reduction in upper respiratory tract infection symptoms.

* denotes p<0.05

22% increase in vigor

48% reduction in fatigue

In a clinical study published in Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, researchers reported marathon runners taking Wellmune experienced a 22% increase in vigor and a 48% reduction in fatigue.

* denotes p<0.05
** POMS (Profile of Mood State) Assessment is a validated psychometric test that uses adjective-based intensity scales to measure 6 mood factors: tension, depression, anger, fatigue, vigor and confusion.