Supports Immune Health in Older Adults.

As we age, our immune system tends to weaken, but the desire for an active lifestyle does not. There are many ways older adults can help keep their immune function at the ready to fight outside invaders, including lifestyle changes, exercise and nutrition.

Maintenance of healthy immune function in older adults.

Wellmune supports immune health in older adults.

By helping keep immune cells ready to do their job, Wellmune helps promote health and wellness daily.

In a cold-and-flu season pilot study published in Nutrition, researchers reported a trend in older adults taking Wellmune® to experience reduced numbers of upper respiratory tract infections (URTI) and days with symptoms as well as significant changes in the body’s response to viral encounters and inflammation.

16% decrease

According to researchers in a pilot clinical study published in the journal Nutrition, older adults (50-70 years old) taking Wellmune reported a 16% decrease in total upper respiratory tract infection symptom days.